Background: Yelugnta is a word in Amharic that drives many decisions and feelings. It keeps everyone responsible for each other and helps guide people to the right decisions, generally. More detrimentally it keeps people from asking for help, from talking about things that could be judged as inappropriate and keeps everyone silent. ECMAA will hold a workshop on July 29, 2023 with this overriding theme. We’lll this event at Pier 57 in Manhattan in a beautiful setting with a rooftop park for broader general recreation afterward.

Objective: Create a space where people can discuss and receive information on difficult to discuss topics and set up an ongoing series of topic specific meetings for those interested in delving into more depth on any given topic.
Sign up to participate here: and tell us which of the following topics may be an example of a difficult topic you’d want to learn more about.
- Parenting – discussions on parenting young people in this area
- Young adults/teens – group discussions by age groups
- Substance use
- Suicide
- Mental health
- Managing grief and loss
- Autism
- COVID and its impact on our lives
Structure: The event will be divided into three parts.
- The first, an opening interactive session with a facilitator that covers the overarching goals for the day. This session will conclude with basic information about listening skills (mental health first aid) and topic specific resources (mental health, intimate partner violence etc
- The second part of the day will involve break out sessions based on topic of interest
- The third part of the day will bring people back together in a large group with take-away from the day.
At the end of the day, participants will leave with guidance and resources that are specific to the community with tools and skills related to how to seek help and provide preliminary support to those who need it. We’ll also use a rooftop park for a social get together with family and friends after the event. Join us!